TAO WAY OF LIFE - Sally Yasukawa

Calling on decades of research & hands-on experience in Chinese Medicine, Qi Gong Massage, Acupuncture and Tantric Science, seasoned practitioner Sally Yasukawa MSCD now offers a range of powerful audio/visual tools for use at home or clinic alike.

Integrating her deep knowledge of Taoist Philosophy and contemporary Metaphysics, Sally presents a wealth of insight that bridges meaning between ancient Eastern texts and modern Western elements.

Set to soundscape music inspired by the guided imageries themselves, these CDs are as rich a listening pleasure as they are an education.

Click here for a free preview listen... or here for the TAO WAY OF LIFE home page.

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EMAIL: sally@taowayoflife.com
PHONE: 02 4385 7044

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Site Design: MusicMediaOnline.com

Website Updates: webchameleon.com.au